Organized in collaboration with the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, the largest society in the world specializing in hair restoration surgeries, “Chopin – Art.& Perfection” surgical workshop took place on July 17-19, 2009 in Poznan. The main workshop objectives that were touched upon included the diagnosis and the treatment of female hair loss. Dr. Jerzy Kolasiński was the host and the director of the workshop scientific program. The classes were divided into two types: theoretical, which took place in IBB Andersia Hotel in Poznan, and practical, which were held the operating theaters of the Kolasiński Clinic. The lecturers, including dr. Carlos Puig and dr. Paul Rose (USA) and dr. Russell Knudsen (Australia) arrived for the Poznań workshop. This group of foreign lecturers was complemented by the Polish physicians as well, namely Anna Modelska-Ziółkiewicz, MD/PhD, Małgorzata Kolenda, MD/PhD, Małgorzata Mackiewicz-Wysocka MD/PhD, and Jerzy Kolasiński, MD/PhD. The workshop program encompassed such objectives as the causes of balding as well as the latest conservative and surgical treatment. Particular sessions also included the courses on applying the latest methods for measuring hair growth parameters (TrichoScan) and the use of non-invasive methods of face correction procedures. The physicians participating in the sessions arrived for the workshop from all over the world, i.e. from the US, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Italy Iran and Poland. The two-day event allowed its participants to deepen their knowledge on female hair loss. The entire course was recorded to be used as didactic materials for the needs of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. The Poznań workshop scored high marks, therefore, the decision has been made to continue the this type of meetings with the same group of lecturers. The next workshop on female hair loss will be held on March 21 2010 in Huston (Texas, USA).