Nose correction – nose is a central part of the face, therefore its shape and size determine how the human face is perceived. Sometimes it is said that its shape and size reflect one’s personality as well or they influence the way one is perceived by others. The face itself, although so unique to every person, is the combination of the same elements such as hair, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, cheeks, chin or neck. The nose, however, seems to play the major part the shape and size of which should harmoniously match the remaining components of the face. When these proportions are somehow distorted by some innate defects, injuries or diseases, then a person may start feeling a kind of psychological discomfort. Plastic surgery, in general, is meant to restore the expected nose proportions in relation to the face. Such corrective surgeries also influence significantly the psyche of a person undergoing the surgery.
Nose correction – rhinoplasty
The correction of the nose, also called rhinoplasty, is a procedure which improves the appearance and proportions of the nose in relation to the remaining components of the face. Sometimes it is performed to restore a proper nasal airway and, consequently, improve breathing.
What can such a nose surgery correct?
Rhinoplasty may correct:
- Nose size in relation to other parts of the face
- Nose width at the bridge
- Nose profile with its humps and depressions on the bridge
- Nasal tip if it is bulbous, drooping or upturned too much
- Nostrils if they are too big or too wide
- Nasal asymmetry and deviation
- Nasal septum setting
- Innate and post-traumatic defects
Who can undergo nose correction surgery?
The surgical correction of the nose is an individualized procedure and should fulfill the patient’s expectations. If the patient decides to undergo the surgery, he/she must beware of other’s opinions and avoid comparing the expectations with an idealized image.
Corrective surgery of the nose may be performed:
- At people aged 16-18 when the process of facial growth has completely finished
- At people enjoying good health
- At non-smokers
- At people who have realistic expectations in mind for the final results
What to expect during the consultation preceding nose correction surgery?
The consultation preceding nose correction surgery plays an important role in the treatment process. If the patient schedules an appointment with a doctor, he/she should expect a conversation concerning the following issues:
- the reason for nose correction procedure and individual expectations
- general health condition, previous surgeries, allergies to medications and substances
- taken medications, vitamins, herbal preparations, alcohol and smoking
Moreover the surgeon during such medical consultations:
- evaluates the general health status of the patient
- evaluates the patient’s face proportions
- discusses the risk and possible complications
- discusses the type of anesthetic applied during the surgery
How to prepare for nose correction surgery?
Prior to nose correction surgery, the following steps should be taken:
- laboratory examinations
- no smoking at least 4 weeks before the surgery
- no Aspirin or any other medications which contain acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin as well as other medications diminishing blood coagulation
- arrange someone to drive you home and ensure post-operative care during the first few days after the surgery.
Risk of possible complications:
The decision to undergo nose correction surgery is very individual and the patient should allow for any associated risk. The most frequent complications include:
- infection
- poor wound healing
- bleeding and hematoma
- nose asymmetry
- changes in skin sensation
- nose breathing problems
- persistent pain of the nose
- rough surface of the nose
- enduring nose swelling and skin discoloration
- disorders of nasal skin innervations (stiffening)
- disorders of airflow through the nose
- prolonging painfulness of the nose
- unfavorable scarring
Subsequent steps in nose correction operation
Step 1 – anesthesia
Proper medication are administered to guarantee the patient the highest comfort during the surgery. Depending on the indications and previous arrangements with the doctor, the surgery is performed under so called intravenous sedation, i.e. shallow anesthesia together with local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.
Step 2 – incisions
Nose correction surgery is performed using:
- closed procedure – small incisions are hidden inside the nose
- open procedure – incisions are made inside the nose and across the columella
Through these incisions, soft nasal tissues are lifted allowing access to such structures of the nose as bones and cartilages.
Step 3 – shaping nose structures
Depending on the recommendations, nose structures (bones and cartilages) are reduced or rebuilt by means of cartilages grafted from other parts of the body such as nasal septum, ear or rib cartilages. In the case of aquiline nose correction, the hump is reduced and nasal bones are joined in this region.
Step 4 – nasal septum correction
If the nasal septum is deviated, the procedure of its straightening is performed, which later facilitates nose breathing.
Step 5 – stitching
After nose structures are reshaped, the skin and soft tissues are redraped, and surgical incision are closed. If the ala of a nose are excessively developed, they are trimmed and the scars are closed with cosmetics sutures.
Step 6 – nose stabilization
A tape dressing is applied to the nose. In the case of bone structures correction, the nose is immobilized by means of a small slab plaster or the one made of elastomer. The structure and the septum of the nose are stabilized from the inside by means of proper tampons.
Step 7 – return to daily activities
When the procedure is completed, the nose and cheeks are swollen. Also bruising in the region of lower eyelids and cheeks is reported. It sustains about 2 weeks. The swelling of the nose and the surrounding area subsides within a few weeks. The swelling is usually bigger in the morning. Within the next few months the nose shape returns to its standard shape. The final effect is achieved after one year.
The surgeon will provide the patient with full and comprehensive information concerning the recommendations and follow-up care.
The durability of nose corrective surgeries
Mostly, the effects of nose correction procedures are permanent. However, within the next few years, the skin, soft tissues and cartilages of the nose may undergo slight changes, which in future may require further correction surgeries.
Nose correction surgeries are performed by dr Andrzej Bielecki – plastic surgery specialist within his own Private Healthcare Institution.