12. World Convention of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery took place from 11th to 15th of August 2004. This time the best specialists on hair restoration surgery met in Vancouver – an exquisite part of Canada situated on the Western Coast of the Pacific Ocean. This picturesque place attracts people not only by its wild nature but also unique ambience of the town of a very bold architecture.
The latest trends in hair surgery were discussed quite a lot during the convention as there are more and more papers on hair cloning. It may be noticed that hair surgery has been a hotly debated issue for the last three or four years. The convention could not miss some reflections of ethical nature as well as technical novelties. Jerzy Kolasiński M.D. was also among the participants of the congress and presented his two-year-long experience connected with the possibility to generate new hair from fragments of the debri tissue.
The convention, as usually, appeared to be a great opportunity to numerous meetings with friends interested in this narrow discipline of medicine from the whole world.

As always a very nice ambience; in the middle Edwin S. Epstein, the organizer of the convention