Covering the distance of 1000 km is a dream of every glider pilot and it was a German pilot, Hans Werner Grosse, who as the first in the world overcame this barrier whereas Henryk Muszczyński as the first Polish succeeded in covering this magic distance. So far only three consecutive Polish pilots managed to join the group of the ‘chosen ones’.
This year Jerzy Kolasiński, M.D., has made such an attempt. On Saturday 31 May he took off from the Kobylnica Airport near Poznań and was going to cover the distance of 1000 km. Unfortunately, the weather was worse than he expected and, consequently, it unable him to finish the whole route. Even though no more than 135 km lacked to the ideal barrier, the boss’ result has become the longest flight distance covered in Poland this year. This is why he will receive a challenge cup from the President of the Polish Aero Club, which all record holders are awarded with yearly..
We are happy with this achievement and we wish our boss to cross the magic barrier of 1000 kilometres next year.

Specialists on covering long distances, from the left Jerzy Kolasinski, M.D., Hans Werner Grosse and Henryk Muszczynski.

The boss behind the steering wheel of his Ventus.