The 13th Congress of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, the biggest society gathering the best surgeons specializing in the treatment of baldness, was held from 24 to 28 of August 2005.
It was the first time when such an important surgeons’ meeting was organized in this distant continent. During the four-day-long session its participants exchanged their latest opinions on hair restoration surgery. A lot of time was also devoted to practical courses for doctors who are beginners as well as the advanced ones. Kolasinski, M.D., was one of the lecturers. During the plenary session he gave a speech on his latest invention, namely FUE-cone-pen. It is a totally new instrument, invented and patented by Kolasinski, by means of which it is possible to pick up single hair follicles. It aroused huge interest among the participants of the Congress.
In recognition for Kolasinski’s contribution to the work of ISHRS, he was choosen the Society’s board member. It is, at the same time, a challenge for him to work hard so that further development of this discipline of medicine in the world could continue.

Paul T. Rose, M.D. – a new president of ISHRS and Jerzy Kolasiński, M.D. –newly assigned board member of ISHRS during gala ceremony finishing the 13th Congress of the Society in Sydney.