General Meeting of PSHRS On 26th of September 2004 a general meeting of the Polish Society of Hair Restoration Surgery took place in our clinic. It was a great opportunity to exchange views between the leading Polish surgeons dealing with the issue of baldness treatment. Kazimierz Cieślik, M.D., delivered an extremely interesting report. He shared his achievements in the field of culturing hair blastema with other participants. It may be assumed that the issues of hair cloning will predominate all the activities aimed at restoration of head hair.
The general meeting was also an occasion to choose a new management board. We were extremely pleased that Małgorzata Kolenda, M.D., from our clinic, became a new President of the Polish Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. We would like to wish the new President a lot of inventiveness in this interesting and difficult work.

The meeting of the Polish Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, the first from the left; Małgorzata Kolenda, M.D. the new President.